Actions Give Credence to Words — Your Weekly Reflection from CMMB

In last week’s reading, we met Jesus’ first disciples. Today, we follow them to Capernaum.
The Gospel reports on Jesus’ teachings in the synagogue. Those who come to listen note the authority with which he speaks. But as powerful as Jesus’ words are, his actions are what inspire the crowds and give credence to his teachings.
In our reading, a man approaches Jesus. Possessed by evil, the man recognizes Jesus as the Son of God and says, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us?”
Jesus acts with immediacy and calls the evil spirit out of the man and heals him. The people around him are in awe with his power.
Throughout Mark’s Gospel we see Jesus’ ability to heal the possessed. His actions against evil give his words more authority.
Just a few weeks ago, we celebrated the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., another man whose change-making actions gave great credence to his words.
Today, we continue to look to his teachings for inspiration and his actions for guidance. Together, they help us work towards a world in which equality and justice are shared by all.
In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. and his birthday that just passed, CMMB’s Vice President of the Medical Donations Program, Darnelle Bernier, reflected on what his legacy means to her.
We will conclude today’s reflection with a short excerpt from Darnelle’s piece. If you’re interested in reading more, you can find her full story on our blog by clicking HERE.
I will be forever grateful for his tirelessness and that of the coalition of civil rights leaders and supporters whose actions changed the world. I value this time each year to reflect on the life, words and wisdom of Dr. King and to consider how I might contribute to a more just and peaceful world. I hope I do so through my role at CMMB by working to improve the lives of the poor and to increase access to healthcare for those in the developing world. And it is only possible to do so because of support of donors and partners who choose to participate in our work.
We hope these words bring you as much inspiration as they do for us. For there’s always time to reflect on the ways we can contribute to a better, more equal world.
In grace and peace,