Extend Your Love on Father’s Day — Your Weekly Reflection

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Today, on Father’s Day, many of us are celebrating the father figures in our lives and the love they have shown us. Fittingly, our Gospel reading this Sunday asks us to reflect on one of Jesus’ momentous acts of love—the feeding of the 5,000.
In our passage, we find Jesus surrounded by a crowd of 5,000 people. His 12 disciples approach Jesus and encourage him to send the crowds to the village to find nourishment. Instead, Jesus encourages his disciples to share their own provisions—five loaves of bread and two fish. The disciples protest, as they do not understand how their few provisions will feed a crowd of 5,000.
It’s here that Jesus performs a great miracle. Looking up to the heavens, he multiplies the loaves and fish into enough to feed the entire crowd.
As we reflect on all the incredible actions that Jesus took for us—the lessons he taught, the miracles he performed, and the sacrifice he made—we understand that they were all done out of love for us. But Jesus’ love did not end with his sacrifice. He continues to share his love through our church community and the gift of the Eucharist.
As we read this passage on Father’s Day, we find ourselves reflecting on the many ways our own father figures act out of love—for us and for others.
We will conclude today’s reflection with a message from Joseph, a CMMB project officer in Kenya who works alongside community health workers to deliver life-saving resources to families in need. As the father of a happy and healthy 11-month-old little girl, he carries his love for her as motivation and inspiration in his work serving vulnerable families.
As a father, I’m fortunate to be able to feed my child, but we cannot forget those who are not. If your baby is full, remember someone else’s baby is going to sleep hungry. We should think of them and continue reaching them in any way possible.
– Joseph Mutunga Musau, father, community role model, CMMB Kenya project officer