Holy Thursday Reflection: We Are Easter People

Dear Friend,
On Holy Thursday, Jesus Christ washed the feet of the Apostles. The master washed the feet of the students, the one who came to serve and not to be served, Matthew 20:28. We are called to serve others, and serve with humility and thankfulness. On the cross, our Lord’s side was pierced with a lance and blood and water flowed out. The blood and water emanated from the heart of Jesus and spread throughout the whole world as rays of forgiveness, hope, sunshine, and blessings.
On Easter Sunday, Our Lord rose from the tomb, again spreading messages of peace and goodwill among all his brothers and sisters. We are the children of God, all related, carrying love within us because God is love. Let us serve and share that love around the world. We are in the time of wars, famine, diseases, and drought. As the Lord does not abandon us, we will not abandon our brothers and sisters.
We are Easter people, working together to bring love, and to serve others. In difficult moments we must not despair nor become despondent but must rely on the mercy of God who raised his son from the dead. We must have hope amid war and destruction. We must have hope amid danger and disease.
Lord, guide the minds and hearts of your people that we will always seek the common good and see you in our brothers and sisters. Renew in us the spirit of dedication so that we will all remember that we are here to serve and not to be served. We can love as Christ loves and serve as he does.
Let us remember, but for the grace of God, there go I.
In grace and peace,
Deacon Olatunde Branche, Ph.D.
CMMB Board Member