March 20th is International Day of Happiness – a day to be HAPPY! We’ve been celebrating the day since 2013, when the UN created the day to recognize the importance of happiness in the lives of people around the world.

At a moment in history when so much is trying to divide us, it’s really important to focus on the things that connect us. We are all one human family and we need each other. Our happiness is intrinsically linked to the happiness of others. When people’s health is impacted by poverty, when their freedoms are infringed by war or political instability, and when their homes and land are ravaged by natural disasters caused by climate change, their chances at a happy, healthy life are threatened.

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. – Mother Teresa

It might seem hard to imagine that someone who lacks access to every basic need could find anything to be happy about. So today we want to share another side of this story; to highlight the beauty of the lives the people we serve live, beyond the poverty. We asked some of our littlest friends to reflect on what makes them happy.

As you read through the responses, try and remember what brought you happiness when you were a child. We bet that remembering your favorite moment with a loved one or most cherished toy, will put a smile on your face. And remember, at the end of the day we are more alike than we are different. At the very least, we hope that these responses add some joy and laughter to your day.

What Is Happiness To You?

Happy in Peru

Little boy from peru holding up a sign that shares he is happy for his mom

My mom


little girl from Peru holding a sign that shares her sister makes her happy

My sister Adaly, I love my sister


Young girl in Peru shares that her dog Sasha makes her happy. She holds up the words on the white board

My dog, Sasha


little boy from Peru shares what makes him happy. He writes his response on a piece of paper

My toy car Macuin (for those of you who don’t know “Macuin” is a character from a popular animated film).


little boy from Peru shares that playing football makes him happy

Playing football


Boy from Peru sharing that his mom makes him happy. His response is written on a notepad

My mom


a young boy shares that panda's make him happy. He writes his response on a piece of paper

A panda bear


Little girl from Peru - Jasmyn - says that playing makes her happy. She writes her response on a white piece of paper



Little girl from Peru shares that her doll makes her happy. She writes her response on a white piece of paper

My doll


Young boy from Peru shares that his little brother makes him happy. He writes his response on white notebook

My little brother


Young boy from Peru says that his toy train makes him happy. He holds up his response on a white piece of paper.

My train


Happy in Kenya

Many things bring happiness to these students in Mutomo, Kenya!

Many things bring happiness to these students in Mutomo, Kenya!


boy stands with sign in front of gate



Drinking milk makes these boys happy according to their sign

Drinking milk


Child and mother in Kenya with sign



Child and mother with sign in Kenya



Jose and Joanna with kids at school talking about happiness

Our volunteers, Jose and Joanna laugh with kids at school about what makes them happy. One girl holds a sign: “Singing and dancing makes me happy!”

Happy in South Sudan

A young girl from South Sudan holds up a sign about what makes her happy on International Day of Happiness Day. It's her father!

My dad!


A little boy holds up a sign in South Sudan and tells us his teacher makes her happy on International Happiness Day!

My teacher makes me happy!


A child in South Sudan holds up a sign about what makes her happy on International Happiness Day. Her brother makes her happy!

My brother makes me happy!


A little boy in South Sudan holds up a sign to tell us that his mother makes him happy on International Happiness Day

My mother makes me happy!


A child holds up a yellow sign that reads "Friends" in arabic. He answered the question, what makes you happy, on International Happiness Day

My friends make me happy!

Here at CMMB, we are working hard to combat the very things impacting the well-being of people living in poverty – including strengthening health facilities, improving access to nutrition, clean water, and improved hygiene and sanitation. Join us!


Grey button featuring a call to action that asks readers to give children around the world the gift of happiness