The Three Magi and the Feast of the Epiphany

Today we complete the season of Christmas with the feast of The Epiphany and the three Magi.
Many of us around the world will give gifts today instead of giving gifts on Christmas. We commemorate the arrival of the Magi, who traveled from afar to meet the infant Jesus and came bearing gifts to honor him.
Much has been said of the symbolic significance of these special gifts— gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Two of these gifts were commonly used to promote good health.
The gift of health remains critical for newborn babies. Tragically, nearly 40% of all under-5 childhood deaths globally occur among babies less than a month old. Through your support, we are helping to save these vulnerable lives by providing life-saving care. And in doing so, we also give mothers the joy of seeing their babies grow up and be healthy. It’s one of the best gifts we can ever give.