Our Faith in Action — Your Weekly Reflection from CMMB

Last Sunday, we read about John the Baptist and his role in our faith. Today, we read about Mother Mary, another figure whose actions teach us how to prepare for Jesus.
Our Gospel reading begins as the angel Gabriel greets Mary in Nazareth. He tells her that she will bear a son named Jesus, and he will be the Son of God. With full faith in the Lord, Mary embraces Gabriel’s message without fear. She is among the most powerful examples of dedication to God.
Though Christmas is just days away, it’s hard not to fixate on the great troubles around us. As we celebrate the birth of our savior, healthcare heroes around the world will still be working hard to serve the many lives impacted by COVID-19. As we read about Mary’s unwavering faith and commitment to God, we can’t help but reflect on how we can embody those traits today—at a time when faith and commitment have never been needed more.
Earlier this month, our global community came together to recognize Human Rights Day. This year’s theme, “Recover Better – Stand Up for Human Rights,” calls on us to stand up against the many inequalities, failures, and disappointments exposed amid the COVID-19 crisis.
CMMB’s Vice President of Marketing and Communications, John Mix recently wrote about the connection between our Catholic Social Teachings and the four principles outlined by the United Nations to help us put this year’s Human Rights Day theme into action. He concludes with the following message:
On this day, let us reflect on our Catholic faith and the UN’s call to stand up for human rights. CMMB has been responding to the COVID-19 pandemic as we continue to further our mission to provide healthcare as a basic human right to those in need.
Let us prepare for this joyous occasion and commit to putting our faith in action—just as Mary did. You can read John’s full piece on our website by clicking HERE.
In grace and peace,