The Power of Our Commitments — Your Weekly Reflection from CMMB

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Over the past few weeks, our Gospel readings have focused on Jesus’ private conversations with his disciples. In this week’s reading, Jesus returns to teach the crowds in Judea.
While speaking with the crowds, a group of Jewish leaders question him about marriage. Jesus praises the bond between a husband and wife as not one flesh but two.
Later, Jesus sees his disciples turn children, eager to meet him, away. Like we’ve seen in our past few readings, Jesus is upset with the actions of his disciples.
He tells them that anyone who wishes to be close with him is welcome.
Jesus says, “Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
At its core, today’s Gospel is about commitment to those who depend on us.
At CMMB, we are committed to those who struggle to make ends meet due to circumstances beyond their control. For two-year-old Deep and his family, that circumstance is political turmoil.
Displaced by violence, they had finally returned home to Syria when they learned Deep had cancer. With no income and little economic opportunities, they put what little they had into Deep’s treatment.
During his final leg of recovery, they received more devastating news. No local hospital had access to the vital medication Deep needed. But even if they had, Deep’s family feared they would not be able to afford it.
Then, Deep’s doctors told his family about the Orient Medical Complex.
CMMB, alongside the Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Refugees (MFA) has been working to send donations of medicines and medical supplies to support the programs of Orient since 2018. Orient works with a network of health facilities and mobile clinics aimed at serving a displaced and poor population with no other access to care. From their headquarters in Idlib, Syria they provide free medicine to anyone in need.
Deep’s family made the trip to Idlib to visit the Orient Medical Complex. To their disbelief, Orient had recently received a shipment from CMMB and MFA containing the medicine Deep needed. The family got the entirety of Deep’s course treatment for free.
At CMMB, we continue to seek lifesaving partnerships in order to keep our commitment to children like Deep. If you’re interested in learning more about Deep, his family, and the partnership that saved his life, you can do so by clicking HERE.
Today we recognize World Day of Migrants and Refugees and pray for the safety and health of all those far from home.
In grace and peace,