Rejoice in new beginnings—Your Weekly Reflection

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Many of us are waking up to welcome signs of spring! Newborn birds chirping in their nests, colorful blooms beginning to open, and bright skies lifting our spirits. We join you on this second Sunday of Easter refreshed by the new beginnings all around us and inspired by the gift of salvation.
Our passage today comes from John’s Gospel and follows the miracle of Jesus’ Resurrection. Much like the springtime season, it invokes a sense of hope, belief, and renewal.
After appearing to his disciples for the first time, Jesus says, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”
The disciples rejoice and rush to share their renewed calling with fellow disciple Thomas. But because he was not there to see Jesus, Thomas doubted. It wasn’t until Jesus appeared to the disciples again, baring his scars, that Thomas believed.
Jesus says to Thomas, “Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”
In many ways, Thomas is our witness. Through him, we come to know and believe in the risen Jesus. And through faith, we embrace Jesus’ mission today.
As we at CMMB reflect on our faith-inspired mission during this season of new beginnings, we can’t help but think of our professional volunteers, like Nurse Educator Pamela. Before embarking on her service experience, Pamela shared, “When I think about an intention, it’s really about feeling very blessed and wanting to give something back.” And after serving nearly five months in Mutomo, Kenya, Pamela returns home—with life-changing experiences and a new beginning.
We wish for all of our supporters, including volunteers, to experience the power of Jesus’ Resurrection and the spirit of renewal this spring. Together, we’re delivering the promise of new beginnings, and renewing our faith in healthier lives every day