Selfless Sacrifice — Your Weekly Reflection

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Today’s Gospel is shared with us in a parable. Followed in our text by Jesus’ explanation, it reveals three important expectations Jesus has for us. In today’s reflection we will explore these expectations and celebrate the people in our lives who embrace them.
In the parable a dishonest steward loses his position. Without a job and the favor of his employer, the steward acts quickly and thoughtfully to make amends. His solution is not one that involves greed, but patience and perspective for his future.
Through the steward’s actions, Jesus reveals three lessons: To abandon greed and act selfless; to remain patient; and to remember that trust must be earned and respected.
Today, friends and family of CMMB will gather at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City to celebrate CMMB’s 110th anniversary—and importantly, the selfless community health workers around the world who make our impact possible.
Community health workers act out of love, respect, and hope for their community. In doing so they abandon greed and act selflessly—the first expectation Jesus has of us.
Through their daily work, community health workers are champions of sustainable change. They educate families to support generations of healthy habits. They might not have the opportunity to witness the change, but they know it will come.
Finally, community health workers have earned the trust of the people they serve. Without trust and collaboration, we can not welcome change.
Whether you will be celebrating in person with us today at St. Patrick’s Cathedral or observing mass live on our Facebook page, please join us in honoring community health workers. We are excited to honor their sacrifices, commitment, and journey on CMMB’s 110th anniversary. If you are interested in learning more about the impact of community health workers, visit our blog.