The Gift of Inner Sight – Your Weekly Reflection from CMMB

Jesus said … “What do you want me to do for you?”
The blind man replied to him, “Master, I want to see.”
—Mark 10:46-52
In this Sunday’s gospel, Jesus is mobbed by a noisy throng of people outside Jericho competing for His help. But Jesus is drawn to a blind beggar by the roadside. The man’s sole desire is to “see” Him. Moved by the power of the blind man’s pure faith, Jesus restores his sight, adding the parting blessing:
Go your way; your faith has saved you.
– Mark 10:51
We are reminded that literal sight is a different thing altogether from the inner sight gifted to us by our faith in Jesus. That is, when we pray only to know God’s will for us, we can truly “see” where His grace is directing us in life.
Beverly Farinelli, a CMMB volunteer and a Pittsburgh-based nurse and hospital administrator, has witnessed the beauty of such “blind faith” on her medical mission trips to Mwandi, Zambia. Visiting Mwandi Mission Hospital for disabled adults with no family to care for them, Beverly met a patient named Robert. She shared this story with us.
“When I first visited…I met a blind, elderly man. More than likely, Robert lost his eyesight through malnutrition (a lack of Vitamin A). He had very thick corneas, but he could not see. Someone mentioned that we were going to take photos, and the gentleman—and I would think he’s probably in his seventies at least—went inside, put on a white shirt, a tie, and a jacket, grabbed a Bible—which he cannot read—and sat in a chair, then said, ‘Okay, now you can take my picture.’”
Robert wanted his faith-based inner sight to be reflected, literally, in his portrait so that others might take it in, too.
Stories like these inspire us to stand with those who live in poverty, in need of access to healthcare. By helping to care for their physical needs and honoring their dignity, we at CMMB receive the sacred nourishment of our own spirit. We collectively pray for God to shine His light on all of us–that we might all truly see.
In grace and peace,
CMMB – Healthier Lives Worldwide
This post was inspired by the Loyola Press Sunday Connection.
We Pray to Work with These Children Living in Extreme Poverty
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CLICK HERE to read Ruben’s story
Yselmaline is a young girl in Haiti that knows the pain of hunger too well. She needs help so she can eat properly and grow up healthy.
CLICK HERE to read Yselmaline’s story
Lovensly is only three but already knows the pains of hunger and thirst. He lives in Haiti where food and water are scarce.
CLICK HERE to read Joaquin’s story