Step Up To the Challenge On Nelson Mandela Day

Wanna Make the World A Better Place? Start With 67 Minutes or Less On Nelson Mandela Day
July 18th is Nelson Mandela Day, a day that celebrates Mandela’s 67-year-legacy of making the world a better place. It’s a day we are reminded of how far we have come in terms of equality, human rights, justice, and peace, but also how far we still have yet to go.
At CMMB, we are quite literally in the business of making the world a better place. From our community health worker who walks an extra mile to check in on an elderly community member, to the child protection officer who never gives up on a child no matter the situation — these individuals make the world a little brighter every day, and you can too.
To honor Mandela’s legacy and his 67 years of fighting for social justice, we are asking you to commit to 67 minutes or less on July 18th to make the world a little better. And remember,
“No matter how small your action, Mandela Day is about changing the world for the better, just as Nelson Mandela did every day.” – The Nelson Mandela Foundation.
To avoid letting the day pass without action, we are asking our community to make a commitment to take action on July 18th. We will collect all the ways people intend to make a difference and share it with the world.
We could all use a little inspiration. (REMEMBER, JUST 67 MINUTES OR LESS!)
What will you do?
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Not sure what to do? Here are a few ideas to inspire you!
- Plant a tree — these days the environment could use a little extra love.
- Leave a positive note in a public space for a stranger to find — smiles are contagious.
- Donate two pieces of clothing — we all have those one or two items that would see more use in someone else’s closet!
- Take a walk down your street and collect any garbage you see along the way — this will make the earth cleaner and your neighbors happier!
- Buy a meal for someone who needs it — 1 in 7 people around the world are hungry.
- Donate an hour of your time to your local soup kitchen — your service and company could really make someone’s day.
- Start a conversation with someone who needs company — everyone needs a friend.
- Write a letter to your congressmen for a cause you believe in — your voice really can make a difference, you just have to use it!
- Make a donation to a charity of your choice in memory of someone else — celebrate the life of a loved one by supporting a cause you or they believe in!
- Commit to changing a habit that would make you a better person every day — we are only human, but together we can commit to being kinder, gentler, and more understanding of the world around us. (i.e. bring a reusable cup to your favorite coffee place to avoid another another single-use item clogging our landfills!)
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead