Meet Nila Banks, Intern

Nila is a healthcare management student graduating in May of 2017. She isn’t sure what’s next but knows that she wants to be directly involved in work that changes lives for the better. It all started after a visit to India in 2009. Overwhelmed by the level of poverty she witnessed, Nila made a promise to herself to do whatever she could to help improve the living conditions for people trapped in extreme poverty. We recently sat down with Nila and asked her a series of questions to learn more about who she is.
Where is home? I was born in Summit, New Jersey and call Linden, New Jersey my home. But when I am at school I live in Brooklyn.
Education: BS in healthcare management (anticipated Spring 2017)
CMMB location and role:Partnerships Intern, New York City
Interesting fact about you: I play piano and violin.
What are you most proud of? I am most proud of being able to go to college and complete my education. My grandmother who earned three degrees while taking care of four children always stressed to me how important it was to her for all her grandchildren to complete school. My mother who did not go to college – her only regret in life – has always said that if I complete school she would feel completely fulfilled. So for me, there is a high level of motivation to be able to complete college. Knowing that I will make my family happy and proud is so important to me.
Imagine you are stuck in an elevator. Who would you most like to be stuck with? Why? I would want to be stuck in an elevator with George Washington. I have always been fascinated by him – the first President of United States of America. I am also intrigued about the period of time he lived though – there was so much progress being made. So I would have many questions to ask him and probably wouldn’t notice I was stuck.
Sum yourself up in two words: Easygoing and optimistic
What would be your theme song?Dancing Queen by ABBA
Imagine if you were an animal, which would you be and why? If I were any animal I would be an elephant. While they are a large, intimidating animals, they are also very peaceful and have strong family bonds.
What is your hope for your experience volunteering with CMMB? I hope that I can learn more about how non-profits work and understand better what work needs to be done in order to help people all over the world. And I also hope that I will come out of this experience with a better idea of what exactly I want to do once I graduate.
Favorite quote: “People are capable at any time in their lives of doing what they dream of.” – Paulo Coelho
What book should everyone read?The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Imagine they make a movie about your life. Which actor would you like to play the role of YOU? Zoe Saldana
What is your hope for the future? My hope is that people will get along more and put aside their differences.
What would you love people to know about you? I’d love people to know that I am really good at taking different perspectives and so if they need advice, I can always help.
Favorite speech:I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King Jr.
If you could solve one world problem, what would it be? Human’s capacity for hate
What are the three things you are most grateful for? My family, my health and my ability to make others happy.