“My time at CMMB was a brief but it was an intense and meaningful experience that gave me the opportunity to re-think my future career.”

Intern Post

Veronica, known as Vero by her friends and colleagues, traveled all the way from Milan, Italy in the fall of 2017 to intern with CMMB. During her four months with us, Vero worked with both the strategy and innovation team and the programs team. It was in fact the perfect mix. As she learned about our programs, she was able to provide content for our website! The key focus of her work was around the development of mental health projects in the countries where we work

CMMB Experience

Vero was drawn to CMMB after taking on a volunteer experience in Jaipur, India last summer. During this experience, she had the opportunity to volunteer in an orphanages that provided a home to abandoned and HIV+ children. She wanted to intern with CMMB because it gave her the chance to build on her experience in India.

“CMMB gave me the opportunity to learn and do something positive for people who are not as lucky as I am.”

Veronica in Jaipur, India

Veronica in Jaipur, India

Veronica travels around India

From top right to bottom left, Jaisalmer, Jodhpur, sunrise in Varanas, on the train in Mumbai

She describes her internship at CMMB as a “mind-opening experience.” She met new people, confronted new challenges, and dealt with unfamiliar situations. She knows that she developed new skills and strengthened the ones she already had.

When we asked her to describe her favorite moments at CMMB, they all tied back to the people and to the relationships she made. She remembers meeting all of the country directors and the feeling of joy that washed over her as she watched all these people with a shared mission and vision together in one room. Their stories made her reflect on what we can do for the world – how we can change the lives of others through relatively simple actions.

When asked to reflect on what it was like working with Veronica, Lara Villar, SVP of Strategy, Marketing, and Communications said the following:

“There are three things that really amaze me about Veronica. She was a breath of fresh air. She came from Europe to work with us and it was her dream to be here. Her enthusiasm and excitement brought so much energy to the team. Secondly, Veronica had a great capacity to empathize. When you talk with her, you can clearly see how warm her heart is. And finally, Veronica is determined. When she saw something she wanted, she went for it. We truly miss having her around.”

Veronica at the 2017 Christmas celebration.

Veronica at our 2017 Christmas celebrations.

Where is she now?

After her four month internship, Vero returned to Italy to complete her masters degree in developmental psychology. Since then, she started a practicum in the gynecology oncology ward at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan. In the ward, she visits women that are going through chemotherapy and provides them with psychological support. 

Veronica continues to support CMMB through her legacy fundraiser:

“Every single person has their own unique story. Despite the obstacles and difficulties that they face, I am constantly amazed by their strength and tenacity. Today, I’m asking you to help me support women and children living in Peru. Let us help those who are not as lucky as we are, so they can receive the care and support they need.
Thank you for your big heart and generosity.’ – Veronica

To read more about or donate to her campaign go to her crowd-rise page by clicking here or on the link below.

Veronica at her graduation

Veronica at her graduation

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