How Will You Walk Jesus’ Path? — Your Weekly Reflection

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Today’s Gospel celebrates the Ascension of the Lord. Our verses, which are taken from Luke’s Gospel, bring us to Jesus’ final moments with the disciples.
In Jesus’ parting dialogue with his disciples, he explains that they are his witnesses. While Jesus will no longer walk among men and women, his disciples will carry out his mission—in service, guidance, and in bearing witness.
We all have the opportunity to bear witness to the needs around us, but it’s the actions we take to address them that move us forward along the path that Jesus paved—step by step and milestone by milestone.
At CMMB, our Children and Mothers Partnerships program (CHAMPS) provides support and life-saving medical care to pregnant women and newborns across the communities we serve. Bearing witness to the lack of resources and opportunities available, CMMB collaborates with local institutions and community health workers to carry out a series of activities that address everything from healthy pregnancy and delivery to water access and sanitation. These activities are the stepping stones to health and wellbeing, and the community health workers who support them are the guides along the path.
To recognize 110 years of service at CMMB, we’re paying tribute to community health workers, the individuals serving on the frontlines to care for their communities.
Arnold, from Zambia, is one of these community health workers. In the area he serves in Mwandi, mothers and children must travel far distances to receive care. Community health workers like Arnold help to bridge that gap. Supported by the CHAMPS program, CMMB helps equip community health workers with the resources they need, including basic medical supplies and tools, to bring critical health services to those who would otherwise go without.
Through his commitment to serving, Arnold is witness to not only the need around him, but the impact his actions have in the community.
“I cannot imagine CMMB leaving Mwandi, considering the support they have been giving to improve health services,” said Arnold. “We now have the necessary equipment to do our work in the community.”
We are thankful for Arnold and the inspiration he finds in his work, but the challenges he and other community health workers around the world face are vast. At CMMB, we are committed to continuing our efforts to better serve community health workers—so that they can better serve their communities.
If you’re interested in learning more about CHAMPS and how we are taking the steps to deliver care to women and children, we encourage you to visit our website by clicking HERE.