Your Mom is a SUPERHERO!

We Asked, You Answered
Just a couple of weeks ago, we asked our community to finish this sentence: My mom is a superhero because_____.
Your thoughtful answers made us laugh, cry, and call our own moms! With over fifty submissions from all over the world celebrating mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and sisters, we are sharing these words with you today.
From Teddy to Mary Beth: My mom is a hero because she embodies servant leadership. Her love for her family, friends, local community and the world at large never seems to run out. She has set an incredible example of what it means to be a mother and so many other positive things in this world. I love her and hope to grow to be more like her.
Happy Mother’s Day Mom I’m grateful for you and so proud of you.
Love you to the moon and back,
From Shaianne to Alicia: My mom is a hero because she never gives up. No matter what the issue is, she pushes forward to keep providing for my sisters and me. I think lots of people know how stressful being a parent can be but she makes it look easy. Of course, there are bumps in life and our relationships but we always drive past it, because deep down we all know we need and love each other. I am and always will be grateful for all my mom has done for me, even if it doesn’t look like it. I love my mom and I can’t wait until soon, I can be a mother and be just like her.
From Samfronce to Roydah : My Mum, she’s the best person. I admire her as an icon and inspiration to which I look up every day. Her hard work has inspired me to work hard and commit to my intellectual development with good morals in the community.
From Anthony to Joanne: She is just the nicest and most caring mom ever. She puts others needs before her own, she is a fantastic school teacher and has been praised highly for her work especially by her students. She takes really great care of me and offers me advice and I in return. She goes above and beyond for everyone, she cares for me when I’m sick or if there’s something wrong, she knows exactly what to do in a situation, she is very smart, a great cook, always kind and patient, she makes everyone smile whenever she’s around, and she is without a doubt the best mom ever and I’m lucky and happy to have her.
From Diana to Lillia: My mom is a hero because she is the most selfless person I know. She is very generous with her love for her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. She displays her love through delicious hot meals, kind words and dedicated daily prayers. Our family has been truly blessed with this special Wonder Woman!
From Elizabeth to Seline: She has never given up on me.
From Songiso to Christine: She taught me how to cook as a young boy. I now help my wife with cooking!
For Margaret: She is a widow looking after many kids now after the death of her husband. She is so strong.
From Susan Sunday Angel to Virginia: My mother is hero because the beginning of me was through her.
my bed room was my mother’s uterus.
my kitchen was my mother’s breast.
my chair was my mother’s lap.
my transport was my mother’s back.
my treatment and my survival was my mother’s struggle.
my education and intelligence was her strength.
my being God-fearing and a believer was my mother’s education.
my mother comforted me in any situation. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all mothers in the world, May almighty God protect mothers in Jesus Name I pray AMEN..
From Alex to Carrie: She is like a mom to everyone! Throughout my whole childhood, we had lots of different kids live with us either for a short or sometimes a long time. She opened our home, our kitchen, and most importantly, her HEART to anyone and everyone who needed love. She inspires me every single day to lead with love, kindness, and a little bit of sass.
From John Data to Joyce: Since I was a little angel to the adult age, she took care of me by providing me with the necessary needs, feeding me, washing my dirty clothes, cleaning me, and picking me up when I cry. When I felt sick, she looked for medical attention. She gave me strong advice and visited me while in school. The mother is second to God. I love her for all the struggle as hero
From James to Firimina: She gave birth to me, and took good care of me, showed me the way to the church, school, health facilities and taught me good manners. She died when I was still in school in 2007. Rest in Internal Peace Mama.
From Rob to Madeleine: She raised and provided for seven of us and worked each day with work as a prayer and love as her guide.
From Matthew to Grace: She has been there for me, both during my low and high moments of life.
From Ariel to Luzmila: She was both a fantastic mother and highly skilled, dedicated nurse at a public hospital in Lima. She was one of the first Peruvian nurses to hold a Master of Sciences title in Public Health. She contributed to the lives and health of many poor children at the Emergency Unit. I guess I became a Medical Doctor following her inspirational steps….
From Joseph Musau to Jane Ndinda: My mom is a hero because she was the first one to wake me up after coming from theatre with a smile instead of a cry after a fatal road accident…wake up son all is well, I am here for you!!
From Sydney to Alicia: She inspires me each and every single day, and she helps me become a better version of myself. My mother is extremely gifted when it comes to giving advice, and I can always count on her to lend an ear when I need it.
From M’songa to Harriet: Mother is the best teacher in the world. Over the years, I have come to know that it couldn’t be truer….. My mother is a phenomenal woman. She has taught me how to love, how to fight our battles on my knees, she is my source of our strength & the family’s pillar and foundation…. Throughout our lives, she has always been the strength that holds me up in the storm of life, she believes in me, she has never given up on raising me and providing the mentorship. She has molded me to be this strong lady, an ambitious and focused person…. My mother has given me the best in life. She gave up a life she wanted & her career to be a mother to me and my siblings…. I acknowledge that not everyone has a mother…I am truly blessed to have you her. Her prayers, guidance, love and support is the reason I am alive and I am here today. She is my super woman, my best friend and mostly my everything.
From Munaambo to Esther: My mother was the most loving person I have ever known. She died on the 19th of February this year. She has been a hero to me and my three siblings because she took care of us after dad died 17 years ago in 2004. She has sacrificed a lot in her life to see us through university and all become independent. Even in her death I love and respect her and she continues to be my hero. I love you mum and continue resting in peace my hero.
From Cecilia to Roidah: My mom is a hero because she has supported me in every way possible without thinking twice or judging me. During hard times, she fed me more than my stomach could take and she would eat leftovers herself, taught me not to look down on any one. She believed in me first, that is why I believe in my self.
From Elena to Manuela: My mom gave me wings to fly and roots to come back home. She is more than a super hero. She is my everything.
From Penny to Mary: She inspired and taught me to always press on and even if I fall to rise up till I reach my goal and never give up. She taught me to always depend on God, respect and love others as it the greatest commandment in the Bible. Lastly, she taught me to always be myself and never live another person’s life because I am special and God has created me the way I am for a purpose. 😄
From Abel to Racheal: I was born in a village setup. It was so hard to go to school in cold season and during rainy season with no umbrella and no shoes. I almost gave up on school but my mom kept inspiring me that if I got educated life would be very different. I followed her advice and endured all the way. She sold vegetables and village wine to raise money for my school. I wish she was alive today for me to tell he what a hero she is but she still remains my hero.
From Anastasia to Felistus and Catherine: My mommies are my heroes because they raised me with good morals through the fear of God. They helped me have all the survival kills by educating me academically.
From Constancy to Dorcas: Because she made so many sacrifices for me to be where I am today, and she never once complained.
From Angela to Mary Malunga: Loves all her children and raised them equally.
From Saige to Alicia: I have always greatly appreciated my mom and everything she does for myself and my family, but my appreciation for her grew immensely after I left home to go to college. I was under the impression that everyone had a mom as loving and caring and intelligent as I did but I quickly discovered that was not the case. Every day whether she knows it or not, she inspires me and everyone around her to do their best. She goes above and beyond all the time, and it’s not even a second thought it’s just what she does. She is the reason for my work ethic, my mindset and my success. I strive to be just as strong, hardworking, and wise as she is. I cherish every word of wisdom and piece of advice that she has ever given me because I know one day it will save me. My mom is my hero every day, 24/7, 365.
From Carmen to Gloria: My mom did not indulge in gossip. She just kept unsavory stories to herself and we would find out from other sources. My mom was compassionate towards the poor. She did not have much but she would give her last peso to the needy. She was once called out by the officers of the homeowners association for allowing the poor to withdraw water from her garden faucet. She would buy vegetables from the vendor even if they were almost rotten just to help her. Once she allowed a strange mother and daughter to stay in our garage not knowing that they were lepers who escaped from the leprosarium. She raised fourteen children with calm and never raised her voice. She was principal in a boy’s school and her calm demeanor made them behave in her presence. My mama was not rich but she had the love and respect of all her friends and relatives rich or poor. She kept a record of the birthdays of friends and relatives and made it a point to greet them. This gesture really surprised them and was much appreciated.
From Ceci to Esther: Porque siempre estuvo allí, aunque no siempre me daba cuenta. Su palabra fue sencilla pero firme, recordándome que el esfuerzo, el estudio y la responsabilidad traen buenos frutos. Junto a ella aprendimos a reír a pesar de las dificultades y a compartir, aún en medio de nuestras carencias.
Se esforzó cada día, a pesar de sus enfermedades, para que sus hijos salieran adelante. Y ahora, aunque ya partió a la casa del Señor, su amor, su fuerza y su sabiduría siempre están presentes en mi vida y en la de mi familia.
From Rose to Elizabeth: My mom is a superhero and caring, because she used to protect us whenever my father came home drunk, quarrelling and pouring out the breakfast that she had prepared for us. My mom would light a jiko again outside and prepare another breakfast for us. She would make sure that we’ve gone to school while full despite the challenges. R.I.P MOM.
From Gabriel to Rehema: She has been selfless, supportive and has always given me the best advice in all the things that I have done.
From Franco to Daniella: I am the first child of my mom and she ensured I go school and did not go hungry. I am who I am today because of my mom’s effort.
From Thokozile to Hellen: I have never seen her fail… She is stronger than anyone I know and she is real.
From Fridah to Dorothy: She saves everyone else’s life at the risk of her own! #liberated love.
From Jean-Renel to Elida: My mom is is a hero because she supported me and continues to support me in all thing in my life.
From Kisulo to Mutumba: She has been a mother and father, showing us love, giving us big dreams of success, providing parental guidance with love and care and also always being a friend to her children. “She is my best friend.”
From Tracy to Mary: She’s been my pillar of strength. My number one cheerleader. Always checking up on me when I’m far from her. When one of us is sick, she’s always there taking care of us and pampering us silly. I love her.
From Kendi to Catherine: My late mom could make sure I am in school despite being a single mom. At a tender age she always tells me, mama the best option is to fear God. She could talk with parables. Knowledge is like an atlas which supports the whole world; that’s words from my late mom. I miss her, may her soul rest in peace. That was my mum.
From Rhonex to Losia: The story of my education; it was the year 1992, I qualified for grade 8 and unfortunately, Dad was ill and he became paralyzed and couldn’t work anymore. Things became hard for us and I was required to pay for my school fees at the secondary school. Mom brewed traditional beer called 7 day and it’s from the proceeds of the sales that I got money to pay the school fees. A flashback at this makes me drop tears and mum will always be a hero to me. Big up to you moms worldwide you are our heroes!!!!!!
From Mable to Albina: Yes my Mom is a hero because, she nurtured me as a young girl to be a very disciplined person and taught me good manners. Had it not been Mom, I could have grown up a bad girl. She was providing for my up bringing and managed to give me the best school. I am proud of her and I love her so much.
From Nancy to Nancy: Sinceramente no entendí las lecciones que me dio mi mamá hasta que fui una adulta y asumí ese rol, solo ahí me di cuenta de lo importante que había sido ella en mi vida. Mi mamá es mi héroe porque me enseñó que cada problema es una enseñanza y aprendizaje. Mi madre es una persona solidaria y empática, ayuda a todo el que pueda aunque no los conozca; ella es mi mayor inspiración para lo que soy hoy!! Mi mama es mi héroe diario, es la mujer maravilla de mi vida, con una palabra basta para sentir su apoyo en todo!! Estoy orgullosa de ser como soy gracias a ella y de tenerla a ella como ejemplo! Por eso y muchas cosas más, MI MAMA ES MI SUPERHEROE!
From Katharine to Mary Jo: She never stopped putting her family first. She was a single parent struggling to make ends meet after she & my dad divorced. He very rarely provided support to her. She worked tirelessly to ensure my brother and I (My sister had already moved out) had everything we needed to get through our school days, and she never gave up when life got overwhelming. When she became a grandma you would’ve thought God had reached down from Heaven and lit her with a new and powerful love lightbulb. Her boys were her joy. After not having been sick more than a handful of days in her life she was diagnosed with primary peritoneal cancer/secondary ovarian cancer. She continued to work until four months before she passed away. Her life was our family, her heart belonged to us, and we encased her heart with our praise of her beauty and support. There will never be another mom and friend like her for me. I miss her every day. She would’ve been 75 today. Happy birthday my hero, my mom.
From Bj to Ruth Gertrude: My Mom had the patience and tolerance of a Saint so to speak. She taught us by her positive influence and cheerfulness. Mostly she loved life…every aspect of all living things people she never met, neighbors, our family (Dad and 7 kids). Gardens, giant spiders, animals, seasons, God and the importance of religion. She had TIME for us . I have no negative memories of my Mom. We all were shown and felt her Love. I wish everyone had a Mother like mine. Her life ended but She never gave up on life not for an instant. We were incredibly blessed! ALL THANKS BE TO GOD. 🙏
From Naomi to Linda: She taught me about God and the Bible.
From Irene to Irene: My mom was trained and worked as a nurse until just before I was born – the oldest of her 7 children. Twenty years later when her youngest began kindergarten she returned to nursing where she was soon fondly called “Mom” by the doctors, other nurses and staff. As a nurse she and my dad often contributed to CMMB through a priest friend of theirs. She continued to support all 7 of us along with our dad, being active in our schools, sports and many activities. I always thought that she was amazing in that, despite doing all this, she never had a driver’s license. Maybe that made her the smartest woman in the world!! While we were young she and my dad invited her mom into our home where she also lived for 25 years. As we grew older they continued to help out by caring for her grandchildren and then her great grandchildren. We could always count on her in good times and bad. She told me that there is no such thing as an “empty nest” as we could always come back when we needed to. We have all tried to follow this philosophy in our own lives. Our mom passed away after a long struggle with chronic illness in September, 2020. Before she passed she was able to see every one of her children, grandchildren (23) and great grandchildren (14) either in person, through her window or on Zoom. We know she is looking down on us, and the new babies to come, with love and care. We feel blessed to know she is still there.
From Kizito to Aber Margaret: She paid me in my institution even from lower primary and secondary. Of which now I am done with my certificate in NURSING and much more as a widow since 2007 when I lost my dad.
From Edward McCauley to Margret Lyla: She absolutely did not stop.
From Ariel to Tonya: My mother began as a single mother with small children and one income. She worked tirelessly to provide for us and speaks of the long hours she often had to work to be able to do so. Despite, she was passionate about myself and my sibling’s education. She invested in our education and attended every school or extracurricular event. Every opportunity I had to take a language class, dance class or learn to play an instrument my mother supported. She instilled in me confidence, curiosity, empathy and the value of a good education. My mother went back to college while working full time to obtain her degree in Sociology. Because of this example that she set and her support, I went on to become the doctor that I am today. More importantly, I am now a mother myself and strive to be as great of a mom that my own has been to me. I love my mother she is my hero because she overcame her own obstacles and challenges so that I could have a better life and opportunities.
From Yohana to Namarey: My mom Namarey is a hero because she is a nurse working at her old age at the local Kargi catholic dispensary where she started working close to 35 years ago. She operated ninety-nine percent of the time alone with no helper nurse. She has about two years to retire.
From Rebecca to Beatrice: She always goes above and beyond for all of us, scraping to the very last of whatever she has to help any of us out; she takes it as her burden even when she doesn’t have to, even now that we’ve all grown up and some of us have moved away.