University Partnerships for Professional Development

Fordham University logo for volunteer publication.

Fordham University: Preparing for Careers in Global Health

Our longstanding partnership with Fordham University provides students and alumni with an opportunity to gain hands-on experience and meaningful professional development through placements at CMMB’s NYC office. They support all departments as well as our five country offices while building skills and experience for careers in global health and development.

Greta Schneider volunteered at CMMB's headquarters for one year through a program at Fordham University.

“The longer you spend at CMMB the better it gets. This is not your typical intern position. I’ve worked in other offices before, but this is the first time I’ve felt like a part of a team that values my input and wants to include me in the process. Because of this, I’ve learned more than I ever expected and I feel like I am ready to transition into employment.” – Greta Schneider, former NY volunteer and Fordham class of 2017

Regis University: Providing Therapy, Dignity & Hope in Peru

Regis University logo. Partner with CMMB and rehabilitation with hope.


Regis University’s partnership with CMMB began with the efforts of one long-term field volunteer, Amber Walker. In 2011, while in Peru, she noticed that one segment of the community was stigmatized and ignored: children with disabilities. Amber took action. She decided to engage and mobilize her Regis University colleagues to become a force for change in Trujillo. With a team of professionals in tow, Amber returned to Peru to train and assist caregivers and physical therapists to work with children who needed rehabilitative services. Regis University faculty and students have been
going back every year since.

 Rehabilitation for Hope was started with an international volunteer, Amber Walker, who saw a need and filled it.

CMMB is committed to developing academic partnerships that increase our capacity and ability to serve communities, while offering universities meaningful, skills-based international service opportunities for their students, faculty and alumni. What I am hoping to achieve as a doctor is to simply do my part in helping more people live in the best way that they can.

I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to participate in the global health program at Regis, to learn from the people of Peru, to challenge myself to practice with cultural sensitivity, and to gain a better understanding of a culture different from my own. – Abby Burger, Regis class of 2017

Learn more about volunteering with CMMB