A Catholic Meditation on the Gospel

May is a special month. It’s when we honor the Virgin Mary as our Queen. For centuries, the Catholic Church has set aside the entire month of Mary to honor Mary, Mother of God. The custom spans centuries, going back as far as the ancient Greeks. Mary’s journey as a mother, from a crib in Bethlehem to a cross in Jerusalem gives each of us an opportunity for reflection.

While she holds your hand, you cannot fail.—St. Bernard of Clairvaux

Consider where Mary gave birth to Jesus— in a rough shelter meant for animals. It was dark, dirty, and without comfort for mother or baby. Sadly, the conditions of the manger in Bethlehem continue to be a reality for many of the women we serve. They may have no other choice than to give birth at home without running water or skilled care. Some are forced to walk for hours to deliver at a rustic health facility lacking equipment and medicines. In the worst, most dangerous cases— when baby arrives unexpectedly—women must give birth wherever they are, including on the side of a dirt road, without support at all.  That’s why we’re dedicated to building a new maternity ward in rural Kenya for Mother’s Day. Inspired by Mary, we want to support mothers and their newborns with access to quality care, right where they live. Mary is counting on us to protect these precious lives. Please pray that our campaign is a success.

There are so many ways to honor Mary during the month of May. Today, we’re sharing a special May calendar as a gift to faithful friends like you. It features prayers and inspiration devoted to our Queen. Please accept this humble gift of appreciation. We hope you will download and share, so you can join us on a month-long journey, approaching our Blessed Mother Mary each day with grace, strength, and love.



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