After leading CMMB for nearly a decade, President & CEO Bruce Wilkinson says farewell to our staff, volunteers, and donors. In the words below, he reflects on his experience and shares his excitement for CMMB’s next chapter. 

Dear Friends,

After eight years with CMMB, I will be retiring at the end of this month, and look forward to spending time with my family.

I take so many wonderful memories with me as I close this chapter in my life. The people I have met during my time at CMMB will always have a special place in my heart. Some of the children I’ve met over the years in South Sudan, Kenya, Zambia, Haiti, and Peru – they’re all grown up now.

Without your support, how many of them would not have survived? I am so grateful to have had you by my side.

Bruce with some of the girls recently released in South Sudan. Finding a reason to smile again.

And the volunteers I prayed for as they left home and family. They are so generous with their time and energy. Each and every day, somewhere in the developing world, a CMMB volunteer is saving a life. You make that possible!

During my time at CMMB, we enjoyed significant growth and focused our mission on women and children’s health. It has been a challenging and exciting time! The building of the Bishop Joseph M. Sullivan Center for Health in Haiti, as well as the new operating room, blood bank and maternity ward at St. Therese Hospital in South Sudan during my tenure give me great pride, knowing what we can achieve when we all work together in our CMMB community.

I am happy to tell you that after a year-long search, we have announced a new President and CEO, Mary Beth Powers. I know that Mary Beth will be writing to you soon, but I wanted to let you know that CMMB will be in good hands under her leadership.

Mary Beth’s expertise in building and supporting maternal and child programs and initiatives in more than 25 countries around the world will be an asset to our mission and to those that rely on our care.

all cmmb team at end of event

Bruce and CMMB staff together at a kitting event!

I have been blessed to work with the talented and caring staff at CMMB these last eight years, and even more blessed to have been able to spend time in the field with the beautiful people that make up the heart of our mission.

I know that with your generosity, and with the dedicated staff here, CMMB will continue to grow in our ability to serve those most in need throughout the world. Thank you, and may God bless you for all the good that you do.

I am so grateful for your support during my time at CMMB, and I will continue to be a donor to CMMB in my retirement because of the great need and CMMB’s amazing commitment to those we serve. I know our mission will be in good hands with your continued support in the years to come.

In Grace and Peace,

Bruce Wilkinson signature

Bruce Wilkinson