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If we think back to our last few readings—all from the Book of Mark—we can point to specific lessons Jesus has instilled in his disciples. Last week, Jesus sought to reveal the importance of making sacrifices for the good of others. This week, Jesus’ lesson is similar.

Our reading begins when James and John approach Jesus with a request.

“Grant that in your glory we may sit one at your right and the other at your left,” they said.

Jesus responded to them by explaining that the seats beside him are not his to give.

He further explains, “…whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant;

Whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all.”

It’s by way of personal sacrifice that today’s lesson aligns with what we read last week. When we seek to lead, we seek to make sacrifices for the good of others.

It’s fair to say that James and John likely did not understand the true meaning of leadership in God’s eyes. They saw it with glory and strength and God saw it with challenge and sacrifice.

When we think of leaders in the context of the past two years, our frontline health workers come to mind. Their strength lies in sacrifice and their glory in the challenges they overcame. But their persistence and quality of care, during the most difficult times, was born out of their courage to remember that in order to care for others, they must also care for themselves.

CMMB is proud to support the mental health of nurses and midwives everywhere, but especially in places like Peru, where they bare a high burden of responsibility within the healthcare system.

A community health worker holding a Johnson & Johnson sign during a mental health workshop.

CMMB Peru and the Johnson & Johnson Foundation partnered to address mental health for health care workers in Peru.

With the help of our partner, the Johnson & Johnson foundation, we were able to provide critical support to Peruvian nurses and midwives at the height of the pandemic. Together, we reached frontline workers in Huancayo and Trujillo with workshops focused on resilience, stress-management and self-care.

It has been our privilege to help foster a stronger commitment to mental wellbeing in Peru’s healthcare system, and the quality of patient care that came as a result.

If you would like to learn more about our efforts to improve mental health in Peru, you can do so by clicking HERE.

In grace and peace,


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*Portions of today’s reflection were adapted from and inspired by the Loyola Press Sunday Connection.