Read our latest partnerships report - CMMB Healthier Lives Worldwide

The task of human life is twofold, it consists of being and doing. Throughout history, responsible being and doing has always called for action to engage with issues that cause pain and suffering, wherever it is found.

Our world is at a critical juncture. More than 130 million people around the world live in a state of crisis and are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance and protection; the highest numbers since WWII. Millions more are affected by all sorts of fragility, armed conflicts and vulnerability. Therefore, the human imperative of being and doing demands that we all individually, as well as corporately, stand up for our common humanity and act to reduce humanitarian suffering, as much as possible and whenever it is possible.

In this issue, we invite you to take a journey through some of the harshest of these humanitarian crises, where ordinary people deliver amazing compassion and act in humane ways for the love of our common humanity, where aid is given, delivered, and shared with courage and love. And that’s the task of human life, both individual and corporate.

partnership report #4 2018

Click here to read Institutional Report #4: The Power of Partnerships