Megan is originally from New Jersey where she is a speech-language pathologist at a children’s hospital. She will soon be embarking on a one-year placement volunteering in Trujillo and Huancayo, Peru. She will bring her skills to support our Rehabilitation with Hope program and help improve the lives of children living with disabilities. We recently asked her a series of questions to learn more about her. Read on to find out                                                                                                                                               

Education: I graduated from the University of Delaware with a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish and Latin American Literature, Language and Culture. She earned her Master’s degree in Speech Pathology at Syracuse University.

CMMB volunteer post: Speech Pathologist at Clinical Madre De Christo in Trujillo

If you were asked to sum yourself up in two words, which two would you choose? Boundless and determined

Why did you choose CMMB? CMMB’s core values are closely aligned with values that are important to me. I believe that educating and empowering people can help them to better their own lives.

What are you most proud of? I’m most proud of the decision I’ve made to come and volunteer with CMMB

Imagine you are stuck in an elevator. Who would you most like to be stuck with? And why? I would most like to be stuck with Jimmy Fallon because I think he is hysterical.

You are featured in the NY Times or your national newspaper. What’s the headline? CMMB volunteer provides speech and language therapy and trains local therapists to help the underserved population in Peru

What would be your theme song? Put Your Records On, by Corinne Bailey Rae

What is your hope for your experience volunteering with CMMB?  I hope to be able to use what I’ve been fortunate enough to learn in order to help others improve their own lives.

Favorite quote: “Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.” -Rumi

What book should everyone read? Why? One of my favorite books is, “The Giver.” I love this book because so accurately depicts the relationship between suffering and happiness. It shows the importance of valuing suffering or sadness in order to truly appreciate happiness.

Who would you like to play you in the movie of your life? Drew Barrymore

What is your hope for the future? I hope that I can take what I have learned from my experience in Peru with CMMB to continue to help others.

If you could solve one world problem, what would it be? If I could solve one world problem, it would be difficulty with access to education. I truly believe that education provides opportunities that improve lives.

What are the three things you are most grateful for? I’m most grateful for my supportive family and friends (who put up with me leaving the country for a year!) and opportunities such as volunteering, that have enabled me to fulfill my dreams

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