A Catholic Meditation on the Gospel

Do angels really exist? Yes! And a quick look through any Bible shows us how a belief in angels is woven through scripture. We’re told that angels are spirits (Hebrews 1:14), and their name (in Greek, Angelos) identifies their job as heavenly messengers. They are much smarter and stronger than humans (1 Peter 1:12) and are real, personable beings—some even have names! Most of us are very familiar with Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael.

Our Blessed Mother, Mary, is the Queen of Angels and this week, we honor her on Thursday, August 2nd when we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of the Angels. As their ruler, Mary encourages us to call upon these heavenly protectors in times of need. The power and helpful nature of angels inspired our Angel Investor program, which connects people with compassionate hearts to children living in extreme poverty. Like angels, these generous people offer help and protection to children in desperate need of healthcare, food and water, and education. Angel Investors are called answer the prayers of the most vulnerable families who have nowhere else to turn for help. They honor Mary, our Queen of Angels, by becoming her Earthly messengers of faith, hope, and love.

“I tell you, there will be rejoicing among the angels of God!” – Luke 15:10

As we prepare to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of the Angels, let’s ask Mary for the courage to put our faith and values into action. Over the next few days, listen for the voice of Mary who whispered this message to a Bernadine nun more than 100 years ago:

“Pray to your Queen of Angels and ask for the assistance of the Heavenly Legions. Ask the Angels for protection directly, because prayer is one of the conditions required by God Himself for obtaining their favors.”

As Catholics, our belief in angels important. Why? Because as imperfect human beings, we are caught in a life-long struggle between good and evil. With the help of Mary and her Heavenly Legions, may we always have the strength and wisdom to resist temptation and do what we know is right.


 Stories of Children Living in Extreme Poverty

Portrait of baby Paulson in Haiti.

Paulson’s mother doesn’t have enough money to get her baby to the doctor. Can you help? Without enough to eat and constant exposure to contaminated water, Paulson is often sick. The family lives very far from the nearest health facility and his mother, Gina, can’t afford to use what little she has on transport. You can give Paulson a healthy childhood. Be his angel on call.

CLICK HERE to read Paulson’s story.

Nailine is a young smiling girl. She needs an Angel Investor for school fees.

Nailine wants to go to school. Can you help her get there? This sweet young girl should be starting first grade, but food is a priority over school fees. For a young girl, education can empower change. You can give Nailine an opportunity to dream beyond poverty.Be her angel on call.

CLICK HERE to read Nailine’s story.

Kavengi, 3 years old

Kavengi should never go to bed hungry. Don’t you agree? He is only three years old but already knows the pain of poverty. His remote community is far from everything including safe water and healthcare. His mother sacrifices everything for her children but it’s never enough. You can give a family hope. Be his angel on call.

CLICK HERE to read Kavengi’s story.