December 20th

Click to Download Your Advent Calendar December 20th This impact story is not about a life saved, but rather about dignity restored. Here we meet Bheki, a Swazi man, in...

December 21st

Click to Download Your Advent Calendar December 21st A special Christmas message from Peru

December 19th

Click to Download Your Advent Calendar December 19th You are the reason we can make dreams come true for children likes these in Kenya

Partnerships for Change needed. Here, she shares her view about the power of partnerships. “We’re all working together; that’s the secret.” – Sam Walton I have come to realize that so much...

December 18th

Click to Download Your Advent Calendar December 18th The joy of family and friends at Christmas...

December 17th

Download Your Advent Calendar December 17th Look at the joy of Collins in Kenya as he shares the news of a new sanitation block in his community! His excitement...