Shared Beginnings — Your Weekly Reflection from CMMB

Today’s Gospel marks the final day of the Christmas season. Our reading comes from the Gospel according to Mark and reports the baptism of Jesus.
It begins with John the Baptist, who proclaims, “I have baptized you with water; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”
Through these words, we have come to understand John’s baptisms as preparations for those that Jesus went on to perform – for those we celebrate in our faith today. When John baptizes Jesus, the Holy Spirit descends from the heavens to reveal Jesus as the Son of God.
This moment in Jesus’ life is considered an epiphany. It marks the end of the ministry of John the Baptist, the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, and reveals God’s true relationship with Jesus.
We can look to Jesus’ baptism as exemplary of our own. Like Jesus, our baptism marks us as children of God, and thus, begins our mission of discipleship.
At CMMB, our shared mission with Jesus drives our commitment to serving the world’s most vulnerable. Each year we are inspired by the progress we make, the lives we change, and the generosity of people like you, who make that change possible.
We will conclude this week’s reflection with the words of CMMB’s President and CEO Mary Beth Powers. Through them, she celebrates the change our global community has achieved and reflects on our connection with Jesus—and those he served.
I am hopeful about a future of better health for women and children. Since I began my career in public health in 1990, child deaths have been reduced by more than 60% around the world. That means many more parents can celebrate a fifth birthday with their child—a milestone birthday for children who have escaped threats like pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria in early childhood.
I often remind myself that Jesus had humble beginnings and that we should not lose sight of the dignity of those living with fewer comforts than we enjoy. They too are here with a purpose and if we can support them through the provision of basic medical care, and social support, they are likely to contribute to the continued development of their own communities.
In grace and peace,