Meet Alex Wheaton: Our NYC Intern

Meet our new intern, Alex Wheaton! Alex hails from Michigan, but this summer, she is working in our New York City headquarters as a communications intern. In the past, Alex has worked to resettle refugees in the Lansing area. Read on to learn about what brought Alex to CMMB and to discover who she would choose to play the starring role in a film about her life.
Where is home: East Lansing, Michigan
Education: I am currently studying Comparative Cultures and Politics, with a minor in Latin American and Caribbean Studies at Michigan State University. After graduating, I hope to attend law school while completing a dual masters program in sustainable international development.
CMMB volunteer post: I am interning with the communications, marketing, and strategy team.
If you were asked to sum yourself up in two words, which two would you choose? Driven and creative.
Why CMMB? Over the course of my undergraduate career, I have become increasingly interested in international development. I really love CMMB’s approach of aiming their work towards women and children because they are disproportionately affected by poverty. I have always agreed with the idea that a person cannot be economically or socially successful if their basic needs are not met, and CMMB is working to fix that.
What are you most proud of? I am proud of the fact that as of next year, I will be a first generation college graduate. My mom worked extremely hard her entire life so that I would have the opportunity to go to college and pursue something I am passionate about, and I will never take that for granted.
Imagine you are stuck in an elevator. Who would you most like to be stuck with? And why? I would want to be stuck with Kate McKinnon from Saturday Night Live. I think she is absolutely hilarious, and if I’m going to be stuck for a long time at least I would be entertained.
You are featured in the NY Times or your national newspaper. What’s the headline? I would love for it to be something like “Woman from Michigan Becomes Youngest International Human Rights Lawyer Ever” but realistically, it would probably be something like “Woman from Michigan Lost in New York Subway For Three Days.”
What would be your theme song? “Brown Eyed Girl” by Van Morrison.
Imagine if you were an animal. Which would you be and why? I would love to be an owl because they are thought to be wise, and they are nocturnal. I love learning new things, and I’m always up late at night.
What is your hope for your experience volunteering with CMMB? I want to learn as many new things as possible while I’m here. Not many people get the opportunity to work in such a diverse place, so I want to make the most of it. I hope that I am able to learn something new from someone here every single day.
Favorite quote: “Nevertheless she persisted”- about Elizabeth Warren.
What book should everyone read? Why?The Glass Castle by Janette Walls. It is a great book about persisting in difficult situations, and making the best of what you are given.
Who would you like to play you in the movie of your life? Anne Hathaway.
What is your hope for the future? I want to find a job that allows me to give a voice to people who are often marginalized or pushed aside. I am so great-full that I had the opportunity to receive an education, and I know that is not a possibility for everyone, so I want to do as much good with it as possible.
If you could solve one world problem, what would it be? Poverty. I think poverty lies at the root of most of the world’s problems. If your basic needs are not met, than education is not the main focus, and education is imperative to moving out of poverty.
What are the three things you are most grateful for?
1.My family
2.My friends
3.My dogs
Who is your biggest inspiration? Why? My Mom. She raised my brother and myself by herself, and worked her entire life so that we could have the opportunities she didn’t. She has never once complained, and I have always admired that. I owe every success to her.
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