Theresa Casazza is currently pursuing her MPH at Columbia University in Sociomedical Sciences with a certificate in health and human rights. Previously, she interned with another non-profit focusing on chronic kidney disease and promoting healthy living as well as organ donation.

Where is home? Long Island, NY.

Education: I am currently pursuing my MPH at Columbia University in Sociomedical Sciences and received my B.S. in Public Health from the University of Miami.

CMMB volunteer post: I will be working with the Strategy and Innovation team, and my supervisors are Laura Manni and Lara Villar.

If you were asked to sum yourself up in two words, which two would you choose? Wanderer, book-lover.

Why CMMB? I was interested in working for CMMB because of the amazing global health work they are doing, specifically their CHAMPS and WASH initiatives. I am currently interested in humanitarian emergencies and felt that CMMB gave me an opportunity to develop new skills about something I am passionate about as well as to learn more about an international NGO.

What are you most proud of? I am most proud of pursuing a graduate degree in something I am passionate about and truly being able to make a difference in the world.

Imagine you are stuck in an elevator. Who would you most like to be stuck with? And why? I think either J.K Rowling or Cassandra Clare. They are the authors of two of my all time favorite series Harry Potter and the Mortal Instruments. It would be fun to pick their brains about how they come up with their ideas and character arcs.

You are featured in the NY Times or your national newspaper. What’s the headline?
“Making a difference, how one aid worker inspired others to give back” … something along those lines.

What would be your theme song? Currently my theme song is Fire by Louis the Child.

Imagine if you were an animal or instrument – which would you be and why? I would be a dolphin because I think living underwater would be super cool to explore the deep sea.

What is your hope for your experience volunteering with CMMB? I hope to gain relevant skills and experience regarding global health operations as well as gaining exposure to the daily operations of an international NGO.

What book should everyone read? Why? Harry Potter. I think it’s a great series that touches on a lot of relevant topics.

Who would you like to play you in the movie of your life? Kate Hudson.

What is your hope for the future? My hope for the future is that some day soon gender based violence, the gender pay gap and overall gender inequality no longer exists.

If you could solve one world problem, what would it be? I would like to solve gender inequality.

What are the three things you are most grateful for? I am most grateful for the opportunity to pursue higher education, my family and my friends for always supporting me.

Who is your biggest inspiration? Why? My parents, because they always push me to be the best person I can be and support me in all my endeavors.

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