CMMB Volunteer Report Fall 2020

A Message from our Peru Country Director:

Dear Friends,

CMMB Peru is very fond of the volunteers who have shared in our mission. We serve families on the outskirts of Huancayo (Peruvian Andes) and Trujillo (coastal) cities. There are hundreds of thousands of people marginalized from essential services, such as water, legal documentation, access to dignified work, healthcare, and education. CMMB volunteers become members of our teams. They become part of us.

Although it demands an adaptation period, the love and passion of the work from staff helps the volunteers assimilate into our field teams and recognize the immensity of the needs of the families we serve. Volunteers give their best, teaching nutrition education classes to community members, training and mentoring community health workers, supporting children living with disabilities, and engaging with various local health entities.

Their kindness, passion and commitment for the health of mothers and children create a better understanding of the cruel and stark inequalities which define our countries, the need of implementing a comprehensive primary healthcare approach to address social determinants of health and improve their opportunities. We want women and children to enjoy their right to health and to understand the importance of their role and contribution.
We are happy to know that the work we have shared not only created a deep connection with the communities, it also strengthens the skills of local healthcare workers for when they return home and continue their professional development.

As volunteers give, they get enriched. We keep in touch with our CMMB volunteers. We are happy to know that the work we have shared not only created a deep connection with the communities, it also strengthens the skills of local healthcare workers for when they return home and continue their professional development.

Moreover, knowing Peru’s dire situation as a result of the COVID-19 rigid lockdown and unmanageable pandemic extension, many of our former volunteers have supported their communities from afar, fundraising for our emergency response.

Throughout the present publication, you will learn more about our CMMB Volunteer Program. I wish some of you could also be inspired to join us in the future, for a fantastic professional and personal experience. We invite you to become valued members of our CMMB family. You will be most welcomed! Blessings to you all.

Many blessings,

Ariel Frisancho
Country Director

The cover of CMMB's Voluntee Report 2020.

CMMB Volunteer Report Fall 2020

For over a century, we have worked globally to improve the health and well-being of people living on the margins of society and to alleviate their suffering through CMMB’s Volunteer Program. Volunteers have an opportunity to strengthen and support communities through healthcare programs and other initiatives while building a longstanding legacy.

Click and read more about how our volunteers are helping transform the communities where we work—fighting the spread of COVID-19 through remote volunteering, creating long-lasting volunteer program partnerships, and more!