EVENT RSVP: Honoring 110 Years of Service

Honoring 110 Years of Service
Monday, February 28th
7pm – 7:30pm (ET)
Please join us for Honoring 110 Years of Service conference call event on Monday, February 28th from 7pm – 7:30pm (ET). The RSVP for this event is now closed.
During the call, Mary Beth Powers, CMMB president and CEO, will be joined in conversation with Dick Day and Darnelle Bernier to share milestone moments for CMMB and how we have answered our call to mission. We will also provide important updates on improving access to healthcare for mothers and children and limiting the spread of COVID-19 in poor, remote communities.
Mary Beth Powers, CMMB president and CEO, brings deep experiential understanding and a commitment to maternal and child health. Her strategic and operational experiences span 30 years, including field work serving refugees in Pakistan and program design and evaluation in more than 25 countries. Her skills span sectors of strategic planning, programmatic and technical support in the field, managing corporate and foundation partnerships, donor engagement and network building.
Dick Dick, CMMB Senior Vice President of Programs and Volunteers, has more than 35 years of highly relevant experience in international development, including extensive field-based work, much of it focused on community-level development. He has a passion for assisting and empowering the poor and most vulnerable, particularly women and children. Most recently, as Peace Corps’ director for Africa, Dick provided strategic direction, leadership, and overall management of operations in 25 countries, responsible for more than 3,000 volunteers.
Darnelle Bernier, CMMB Vice President of CMMB’s Medical Donations Program, has over 15 years’ experience working to advance access to healthcare in the developing world and is responsible for the strategy and development of the CMMB pharmaceutical and medical supply donation program, which reaches over 3,000 health facilities in over 35 countries each year.