Hope in La Esperanza

Esperanza means hope in Spanish and in the town of La Esperanza in Peru that is exactly what is being delivered to Ericka and her family.
Ericka was born in 2008 and diagnosed with microcephaly and cerebral palsy, conditions, her parents were told, would severely limit her physical and cognitive abilities. For the first four years of her life, Ericka spent the majority of her days lying on a bed in a room she shared with her mother and brother. She received very little stimulation and apart from being fed and changed, she was often left alone.
The only way she communicated was by crying and her mother didn’t know how to respond. To further complicate matters, Ericka’s dad had left, and her mom was struggling to take care of the family. She, like so many mothers of children with disabilities, felt alone and helpless and didn’t know where to turn.
“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13.
That’s when her family was referred to CMMB’s Rehabilitation with Hope – a community based program that assists children with physical and cognitive disabilities by providing access to quality therapy. Children receive up to three sessions a week that include physical, speech, occupational and cognitive therapy.
When we first met Ericka, she was three years old. We found her lying in bed, unable to sit up on her own, nor hold up her head and her body was very rigid. Her hands were clenched and she was totally unresponsive to those around her.
Shortly after our first meeting we learned that Ericka’s mother was moving to Chile for work. We worried about what would happen to Ericka because one of the key requirements of the program is family participation. Without familial support, children are not accepted. The family is a key component to a child’s progress. They are trained as their children receive therapies so that they can continue the exercises at home. It is through this consistent practice and care that change happens.
Fortunately, Ericka’s grandparents stepped in and took her home to live with them. For the past five years, Grandma Alejandrina has accompanied Ericka to every therapy session and dedicated herself to continuing the exercises at home. Progress was slow and there were days that she felt like giving up.
But five years later Alejandrina is grateful that she kept working. She cannot believe the difference. Ericka’s life has been transformed.
“Don’t be afraid. Follow the therapies and you will see improvement.” – Grandma Alejandrina
Thanks to the combined commitment of both therapists and family, Ericka is able to hold up her head without assistance and is now making eye contact with the people around her. She can sit up on her own and has started to stand with some assistance while using special leg braces.
“Her smile lights up our life.”– Ericka’s grandparents
Ericka is also demonstrating higher levels of comprehension, responding to others with the appropriate reactions and following some simple instructions. She has started to communicate with sounds and when someone says “Hola” she responds, “Hola!” One of her grandpa’s favorite changes is Ericka’s ability to show affection through smiles, kisses, and hugs.
One of the most beautiful parts of this journey for Ericka and her family has been the response of the community around them. “To know that we are not alone, that we have people who support us and who share in our joy of Ericka’s accomplishments. That’s been so important for us.”
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