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From the Gospel according to John, today’s reading follows the events that take place after John the Baptist proclaims Jesus the Lamb of God.

John the Baptist’s testament is an important moment in our faith. In recognizing Jesus as the Lamb of God, John encourages Jesus’ first followers. We’ve also come to understand the proclamation as a reference to the lamb sacrificed by the Israelites in Egypt, and thus, a prediction of Jesus’ death.

Among Jesus’ first followers is a man named Andrew, who recognizes Jesus as the Messiah. Following his realization, Andrew brings his brother Simon to meet Jesus. It is here that Jesus gives Simon the name Peter—an event that’s chronicled in all four Gospels.

Simon’s experience becoming a follower of Jesus is similar to how we develop our own faith. When we are young, we learn about our faith through the witness of others. But as we grow, our experiences as members of the church help us foster our own faith, and in turn, bear witness for others.

Volunteer Doctor Mary Fleming helping a child at Mutomo Mission Hospital in Kenya in March 2018

At CMMB, our volunteers bear witness to our mission in action. Although COVID-19 changed the way our volunteers reach those in need, their impact remains the same. Part of what makes our community of volunteers so special is the role they continue to play after they finish serving. Their continued faith in our mission inspires the next generation of volunteers.

We will end this week’s reflection by inviting you to read an excerpt from our 2020 Annual Report that speaks to the role of our volunteers. If you’re interested in learning more, you can explore our full Annual Report HERE.

Since 1914, CMMB has answered the call to service through our Volunteer Program. In the spirit of this legacy, our commitment to connecting health practitioners and other skilled professionals to health facilities and community programs worldwide continues during COVID-19. By leveraging our partnerships and connections with individuals, volunteers have continued to support health services in the countries where we work. From providing remote technical support to presenting webinars on how to treat mothers infected with COVID-19 and their newborns, CMMB has created new opportunities in program development through education to build local capacity.

 Our volunteers also served as CMMB ambassadors, using newly refined Zoom presentation abilities to share their experiences with college and university students, including Hunter College and Fordham, Fairfield, and Georgetown universities. CMMB volunteers are the best representatives we have as an organization as we share the important work being done on the ground in country and encourage the next generation of care providers with a direction and path forward.

In grace and peace,


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