So many of our former volunteers go on to pursue impressive careers, accomplishments, or academic achievements. Every day we are impressed by the light they bring to the world. With this is mind, we thought we’d catch up with a few of our former volunteers to learn just what they have been up to since moving on from CMMB. The following piece is a part of a series – Where Are They Now? Through this series we highlight the amazing work our former volunteers have gone on to achieve.
When Bernard Killion interned with us in 2017, he was in the midst of completing his bachelor’s degree in political science and Middle East Studies, at Fordham University. During his time at CMMB, he supported the communications team.

Some of Bernard's friends and family

Bernard with his family and friends.

CMMB Experience

Bernard’s time at CMMB had an unexpected impact on his life, both personally and professionally. “You know, concepts, such as international development, global health, poverty alleviation, and human rights advocacy, were largely confined to the walls of my classrooms. But, that all changed while I was at CMMB.” He went on, “these concepts came to life, becoming incredibly personal and real.”

Bernard had a hard time citing a favorite moment or memory from his time with us. “there were so many!” “I really valued and continues to value, all of the relationships I developed with the CMMB team. Whether it was sitting in on a staff meeting or video chatting with a volunteer abroad, I really felt valued and part of a family.”

“So many concepts that had previously been confined to the classroom, became incredibly personal and real during my time at CMMB.”

Bernard did allude to a few “exotic” FiDi food truck visits that included a meal consisting of grasshoppers, crickets, meal-worms, and waffles! Yikes- if you do choose to intern with us we can assure you this is not a requirement!

Bernard was a superstar on the communications team:

“There are so many things that I appreciated about having Bernard as part of our team. But, if I had to bring it down to two things I would say, that the things that will make Bernard great wherever he goes are his dry, intelligent humor that brings joy (which we can all use more of!) And, his ability and willingness to adapt. Bernard, you’re a cool guy and the world is lucky to have you!” Laura Manni, senior manager of community engagement

Where is he now? 

Bernard completed his bachelors degree in May, 2017, and shared this exciting news: “I’ve been invited to serve as a TEFL/English language teacher in Ethiopia with the Peace Corps, starting in June for a little over two years!”

Today, he’s in Ethiopia! “After three months of pre-service training, I was was assigned to a secondary school in a rural, underprivileged community. I’m responsible for three English language classes and several extra-curricular activities.”

Bernard getting sworn in

Bernard getting sworn in for the Peace Corps!

When asked what influenced him to join the Peace Corps, he said – “If I had to list one definitive ‘push factor’ for ultimately applying to the Peace Corps, it would absolutely be my time interning at CMMB.”

We are happy to report that Bernard is settling in just fine! “I am in the town Faj which is located in South Wollo of the Amhara region. As with any new place, there is a lot to learn.Ethiopia, without a doubt, has some serious structural problems. But I genuinely feel a sense of optimism among the people I meet.”

Bernard with his host family!

Bernard with his host family!

Bernard with his class

Bernard with his class! They look like a fun bunch!

Bernard with students

Be sure to stay tuned, we will be sharing more updates from Bernard and other volunteer alumni. If you volunteered or interned with CMMB in the past and have a story to share, please reach out!