In my quest to become a physician, I looked for every free after-school and summer enrichment opportunity I could find.

In high school this lead to my participation with local programs through the Kentucky AHEC (Area Health Education Centers), hosted in Louisville, Lexington and Bowling Green.  The summer before senior year I traveled to New Orleans for SOAR (Stress on Analytic Reasoning), which directly led to my matriculation to Xavier University of Louisiana a year later.

Whether it was the early trips to these in-state programs or later on to college and medical school, my parents were always there for encouragement and support.  Usually at least one (or sometimes all four) of my parents would accompany me to get settled either for a week, a month or 4 years…to ensure I was safe and secure in the next phase of my journey.

After residency, my dad drove with me from Nashville to Boston, only stopping for gas, so I could make it to the first day of fellowship on time.

Not surprisingly, when it was time to travel to Kenya, I asked my parents if one of them would mind “dropping me off” one more time.

My dad agreed to the challenge and traveled the 8000+ miles with me!  Other than a bit of turbulence, our flight over was mostly unremarkable.  Our first few days have been spent in Nairobi, learning a little bit about this space and its people.

Here is a slideshow my dad created from our shared adventure.

Tomorrow we will travel to Mutomo, where I’ll begin my assignment at Our Lady of Lourdes Mission Hospital.

Exterior Mutomo Mission Hospital Kenya


Read Dr. Mary’s next entry.

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