“This experience has helped me develop my interests. It really helped push me towards getting my MPH.”

Intern Post: 

Jonathan first joined us in 2015 as an intern on the Strategy and Innovation team (S&I). While on S&I, he worked closely with team member Chris Foster on the 20/20 strategy. In 2018, he returned to CMMB as an intern on the programs team. During this experience Jonathan worked primarily on projects implemented in Peru, including the Maternal Child Health Nutrition program for which he helped design a series of research projects, aimed at improving the program. 

Image of one our Peru Angel's

CMMB Experience: 

Like many of our other former interns and volunteers, Jonathan’s time at CMMB left an impact on his life in some way. For some of our interns this impact has been in terms of career paths, and for others it has been in terms of global goals. For Jonathan, it seems to be a bit of both.

Before starting his first internship with us, Jonathan knew he wanted to work in the international field. This being said, he wasn’t sure if that would be in service, diplomacy, or global education. He shared that at CMMB, he was exposed to real life examples of humanitarian aid and international development, ultimately, helping him develop an interest in global health. Today, he has a masters degree in public health.

When asked about what it was like to work with Jonathan, Claudia Llanten spoke highly of him. She shared, “From working with Jonathan I can tell you he is a good observer and critical thinker, all qualities that make for a good researcher. It made training him fun and easy, he was always interested to learn, open to listening, and offered unique perspectives that he then integrated into our work.” 

Where is he now?

In the future, Jonathan sees himself working for an organization similar to CMMB. He would like to stay on more of the program side of the field, and hopefully have the opportunity to go abroad. In doing so, he wants to be able to develop and design the programs that help people. Overall, he feels that having the opportunity to actually apply what he learns through his MPH studies into a real-life organizational setting has made his experience at CMMB, all the more meaningful.

Now that Jonathan has completed two internships with CMMB and completed his MPH, he is serving in Rwanda for the Peace Corps.

A series of photos featuring the CMMB logo and the Peace Corps logo

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