The Gospel today continues on from last week’s Gospel where Jesus is speaking to his disciples at the Last Supper. In today’s Gospel, Jesus offers encouragement to his disciples, reassuring them that he will send an advocate — the Holy Spirit. It is through the Holy Spirit that the disciples will continue to live in union with Jesus and understand the unity that is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Only through the Spirit is God’s revelation and love known.

We are all connected to God and Jesus even after his departure and just as Jesus sent his disciples an advocate, we can be an advocate for others . As God’s helpers, we can show God’s love by helping others.

Al Hartmann entering a homestead during Covid-19

Al wearing one of the masks we wear when visiting homesteads. We use N95 masks and gloves when examining a patient

For decades, Al and Kathleen Hartmann, have brought care and dignity to the Swazi people. Together, with a dedicated team from the Good Shepherd Mission Hospital, Kathleen and Al provide home-based care to the most vulnerable. Even amid times of uncertainty, their work to support those living in extreme poverty, continues.

Al and Kathleen have been advocates for those living on the periphery of care for decades.

Today, as they continue their work despite the threat of COVID-19, they thank all of you for being advocates as well.

Through your support they are able to reach the most vulnerable with critical supplies and resources to limit the spread of COVID-19, while continuing the critical healthcare their beneficiaries receive.

As we reflect on the ways that Jesus is our advocate, let us remind ourselves how we can show God’s love by advocating for others.

In grace and peace,

Bruce Wilkinson signature

Bruce Wilkinson

President & CEO, CMMB

Please read their note HERE, as they share their gratitude for your continued support and describe the precautions being made to keep Swazi communities safe as the threat of COVID-19 spreads.