Sisters Act: Our Faithful Partners

Today – March 8th, 2018 – is the start of National Catholic Sister’s Week. This is an annual celebration that honors women religious and sheds light on the contribution of these amazing women.
We at CMMB are blessed to witness the incredible examples of faith inaction set by the missionary sisters who partner with us around the world. These faithful partners are at the heart of what we do. They inspire our global community by their commitment and dedication to the marginalized. They truly go and stay where few are willing to work.
The Sisters working with CMMB are highly skilled leaders, health professionals, educators, and friends. They remind us of our mission every day as they work selflessly to deliver locally sustainable, quality health solutions to women, children, and their communities. Today we share the names and faces of some of these faithful heroes and thank them for this commitment and love.
“We couldn’t achieve any of this without the hard work done by some of our most faithful partners – women religious. Their service is an inspiration to everyone in our CMMB global family. Their faithful response to provide healthcare for the most vulnerable has been a hallmark of their calling for centuries.” – Bruce Wilkinson, President & CEO
Meet the Sisters Whose Actions Are Changing People’s Lives
Sister Yvette Servants of the Heart of Mary Santisima Cruz de Chilca – Huancayo, Peru The Congregation of the Servants of the Heart of Mary was founded in 1960 in Paris. It is dedicated to responding to the needs of communities it serves, and the full development of human potential. Sister Yvette began her mission in Paris in 1968 as a nurse. Three years ago she arrived in Peru to lead the health ministry at Santisima Cruz de Chilca. Carrying out actions at the community level in rural areas, Yvette is a woman whose presence communicates kindness, charity, humility, and the love of God. She is an example of strength, love, and dedication and I feel blessed to work with her. I thank her for her teachings, her company, and for helping us recognize the true value of life.
Comboni Missionary Sisters
Sister Laura and Sister Jane
St. Theresa Hospital in Nzara, South Sudan
The Comboni Missionary Sisters are a Catholic Religious Order found in Italy. They have worked in Africa since 1877 and are longtime CMMB partners.
I had the privilege to volunteer with CMMB in Nzara. I worked closely with Sister Laura, the Hospital Administrator, and Sister Jane, the Nursing Director. These two women were very dedicated to the patients and people of Nzara. I was so thankful to have their leadership and experience. Sister Laura, from Italy, and Sister Jane, from Uganda, are both highly experienced nurses. They have worked in many countries in Africa before arriving in Nzara. They are a tremendous example of love, compassion, and caring to me, the hospital staff, and the people in the community. What a blessing it is to have dedicated nuns in missionary health work. – Harry Owens Jr., MD, CMMB volunteer
Sister Maria
Daughters of Charity
Rosalie Rendu Health and Nutrition Centre, Cité Soleil. Haiti
Daughters of Charity was founded by St. Vincent DePaul in 1663. They have been serving the poor in Cité Soleil for more than 40 years.
I met Sister Maria during a field visit to CMMB Haiti. She told me that one night, when she was 13, she saw something on television that would change her life forever. A news update covering Ethiopia showing the devastation of drought and malnutrition. That day she decided she would give her life to serving others. Sister Maria, born in Brazil, first came to Haiti in 1998. Those lucky enough to meet her will be greeted with a firm embrace and sweet smile. But to catch her, you’ll have to linger somewhere between the vaccination rooms and the main waiting area as she races from patient to patient. She reminds us that her purpose is not contingent upon the outcome of her work – to heal the sick – but on the reality that there is always someone in the world to care for. – Diane Hoey, CMMB volunteer
“Their legacy is all around us. Thirty-five percent of health services in the US are delivered by Catholic health systems, almost all founded by sisters. Globally, and in many of the harest to reach places, mission hospitals abound and continue to this day; almost all founded by the sisters.”
Sister Mary
Sisters of Mercy
Our Lady of Lourdes Mutomo Mission Hospital, Kenya
The Mutomo Mission Hospital was founded by nursing sisters belonging to the Irish Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy in 1962.
Sister Mary is the hospital administrator. She has worked in remote Mutomo for over a decade. She told us, “Mission hospitals are associated with the Church so patients know that we will be merciful; we will have a heart. We will give them medicine when they don’t have money. So the hospital has won the hearts of many with the mission to serve.” At Mutomo Mission Hospital, patients are treated—body and soul—with love and respect. – Tara Matthews, CMMB consultant
Sister Elena
Congregation of the Sisters of Bon Secours
Aquimarca – Huancayo, Peru
The Congregation of the Sisters of Bon Secours established a new mission of Catholic charity in Latin America in 1966 to expand their work to alleviate human suffering and bring hope to the poor.
The work Sister Elena does with our community health agents is very valuable. She encourages these women to move forward in their personal lives, and in the work they do to improve the welfare of their community. Sister is very supportive and sincere in her advice. She is a source of peace and tranquility to everyone. I learn so much from Sister Elena. I am grateful to work with her. – Gladys Isabel Meza Reyes, RN, CMMB Peru
Sister Matilda
Congregation of Diocesan Right, Daughters of the Redeemer
Zambia Episcopal Conference
The Daughters of the Redeemer were founded in 1969, and have been serving Lusaka ever since. They will be celebrating their Golden Jubilee (50 years) this year. Sister Matilda is a registered nurse who has been working for the Zambia Episcopal Conference as national health coordinator since 2008. She helps to coordinate activities in 19 hospitals, 38 rural health centers, six hospices, and 150 community based programs! Sister Mailda’s responsibilities range from working with patients at the community level to developing programs for health facilities. She is an advisor to the Bishops Conference on all health issues and supports fundraising for mission hospitals and community based programs. Sister Matilda has dedicated her life to healing the sick and serving the poor. She is a testament to our community. – Sister Prisca Matenga, congregation leader