We are very happy to announce that Laura Kryiss, CMMB alumnae volunteer, is being honored by Nurses With Global Impact at the second annual International Nurses Day at the United Nations on May 11th, 2018. This is a day to honor nurses in front line roles.

Laura Kryiss is a labor and delivery nurse from Nebraska, currently in the midwifery program at the University of Minnesota (ranked fourth in the country!). In 2016, Laura served as one of our international volunteers at Mutomo Mission Hospital in Kenya, supporting local health professionals to ensure healthy pregnancies and safe deliveries.

Jesse Kihuha, our CHAMPS coordinator in Mutomo, recalls Laura with fondness, “Laura was a blessing to the mission of CMMB, to Mutomo Mission Hospital, and to Kenya. We hope she will come back one day.”

These sentiments were shared by all those, both staff and patients alike, who were lucky enough to meet Laura. In fact, one young mother named her daughter “Laura” in honor of the care and compassion she received from this amazing nurse.

Laura Kyriss with a new exhausted mom!

When Jesse heard about this honor, he said:

“Today is a great day for the CHAMPS team in Mutomo because Laura is a very special person to the team here. The impact of her work is one that has stood the test of time because it’s still evident and growing. She not only offered her skills as a Obstetric Nurse at Our Lady of Lourdes Mutomo Hospital to the mothers and the little babies in the wards but also built capacity of other nurses in the neighboring facilities on Neonatal and Obstetric emergencies’ response. As we celebrate her well this well deserved honor, we pray that she continues to not only be a great inspiration to the healthcare provider fraternity but also be a beacon of hope and light to the vulnerable and poor. Hongera Laura!! (Congratulations Laura).”

What is International Nurses Day?

International Nurses Day is celebrated every year on May 12, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth. It recognizes the important role that nurses play in delivering care throughout the world. The special event at the United Nations on May 11 will celebrate carefully selected nurses who demonstrate exemplary practice by impacting the global delivery of healthcare.

International Nurses Day Poster

Official poster for 2018 International Nurses Day. Source: International Council of Nurses

Laura, from all of us at CMMB, congratulations on this amazing recognition! We are proud to have you as part of our global family.

Read more about Laura Kyriss